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Manufacturing Manager

拉法基集团/Lafarge Group  发布于7年前



  • Aggregates Manufacturing Manager (experience in quarrying)
    Job Responsibilities:

    l REPORTS TO : Vice President & General Manager China North

    l To ensure all aggregates projects in the Northern China region are properly managed and delivered on a timely basis.

    l To ensure our new startups or newly acquired operations are up to Lafarge safety standards and adhering to all relevant legislations and to maintain good relations with the authorities.

    l To ensure selections of quarry equipment and manpower for new start ups which will maximize performance of the quarrying processes which includes among others mining plans, blasting plans, aggregate flow, maintenance organization and planning. For new acquisitions ensure that a complete quarry review is carried out and the quarry operations brought up to Lafarge standards in term of safety ,operations excellence and the intended synergies are obtained.

    l To provide advice to the commercial and development team on operational matters such as plant & equipments condition / boundary surveys / amount of rock reserves / access to & development of rock face; and their implications on costs when evaluating new targets for acquisition.

    l Strengthens relations with key decision makers, authorities and neighbours.

    l To establish a good working relationship with key equipment manufacturers, subcontractors, and transporters

    l To lead, drive, coach and motivate project team members to deliver the projects to the requirements and on a timely basis.

    l To ensure the handling over of Aggregates Projects to the Operations team in an orderly and timely manner.


  • 公司名称:拉法基集团/Lafarge Group
  • 公司性质:其他
  • 公司地址:*
  • 世界财富500强之一的拉法基集团于1833年在法国成立,至今已有170多年的历史。作为建筑材料领域的领导者,拉法基在水泥、骨料与混凝土和石膏板三个业务分支均居世界领先地位。业务遍及全球70个国家,拥有员工71000名,2006年度的销售额为170亿欧元。 多年以来,拉法基一直致力于可持续发展,寻求把专业技术和经营绩效、创造价值、尊重员工和地方文化、保护环境、保护自然资源和能源相结合的战略。2003年还曾被评为全球最适合工作的100家公司及欧洲10个最适合工作的公司之一。2007年,拉法基成为建材领域唯一一家被评为“全球100名最具可持续发展的企业”。为推动建筑材料业的发展,拉法基将始终坚持以客户为导向,以创新的解决方案,为建材领域和大众提供日常所需的更加安全、舒适、高质量的环境。 作为企业的核心价值,安全一直是拉法基公司的重中之重。公司拥有一套完整而详细的安全系统和准则来保障每一位员工的安全。在同行业领域中,我们已经成为做得最好的公司之一。 拉法基瑞安北京总部 拉法基瑞安水泥有限公司(下称"拉法基瑞安水泥")于2005年11月9日正式成立,它集合了世界建筑材料行业的领袖企业拉法基集团和香港瑞安建业有限公司(下称瑞安建业)各自在中国的水泥资产,从而成为中国西南地区水泥行业新的领军企业。在合资公司中,拉法基拥有55%的股份,瑞安建业拥有45%的股份。拉法基负责日常的经营管理 拉法基瑞安水泥自成立以来,始终坚持以客户为中心、重视员工的成长、注重与各利益相关方及股东共同发展为首要原则。凭借拉法基集团优秀的工业体系、先进的研发和生产技术、管理经验,以及瑞安建业在中国丰富的市场经验和客户资源,拉法基瑞安水泥将为飞速发展的中国市场构筑一道厚重的建筑基石。 拉法基瑞安水泥有限公司董事长为罗康瑞 (Vincent HS Lo)先生,首席执行官为华顾思(Cyrille Ragoucy)先生,总部位于北京,下属北京、重庆、四川、贵州和云南五个运营单位,拥有20个水泥厂、2100万吨年生产能力及约10,000名员工。
  • 此信息来自筑才网 拉法基集团/Lafarge GroupManufacturing Manager 职位

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拉法基集团/Lafarge Group

  • 性质:房地产及物业
  • 规模:100-500人

