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Architect Intern Student 建筑实习生

凯里森建筑事务所  发布于7年前



  • 任职资格:



  • 公司名称:凯里森建筑事务所
  • 公司性质:合资
  • 公司地址:北京市海淀区西三环北路87号国际财经中心B座5-6层;上海市九江路288号宏伊国际广场2101;广州市天河区天河路385号太古汇1座1005室
  • Join Callison (China)Callison (China), a joint venture between the international architecture firm Callison and one of the leading Beijing based architecture and design firms HAYA Architects, was founded in September, 2010 in Beijing. We provide full architectural and retail design services supporting the demands of the fastest growing economy in the world.Callison, one of the world’s leading retail design firms, has been actively practicing in the China market for more than 20 years. Callison’s signature projects in China include Grand Gateway, Yueda 889, Greenland Riverfront CBD in Shanghai and The MIXc centers in Hangzhou and Chengdu.The newly-established Beijing office along with the existing Shanghai office (which was set up in 2004) have nearly 300 professional designers under Callison (China)’s operation.Callison is an international architecture firm specializing in urban planning, mixed-use, retail, corporate, hospitality, residential, and healthcare in markets worldwide. With offices in Seattle, New York, Los Angeles, Dallas, Shanghai, London, Dubai and Mexico City, Callison is one of the largest design firms based in the United States with 800 professional staff.Rankings & Awards2011 World Architecture One of the 20 largest design firms all over the world2003 – 2008 World Architecture #1 in retail design2007 – 2008 Building Design & Construction Third largest commercial design firm2003 - 2005, 2007-2009 VM+SD First in retail design2003 – 2009 Display & Design Ideas First in retail design2011 Asia Pacific Property Awards Highly recommended in Retail Architecture The MixC, Hangzhou China2008 ICSC Asia Silver Award Trinoma Manila, PhilippinesICSC Award of Merit – Innovative Design & Development SouthlandsAurora, Colorado We welcome talented professionals to join Callison in Shanghai , Beijing or Guangzhou, an energetic and friendly working environment with great opportunities. Please send your cover letter, resume, 1-2 work samples (up to 5MB in size), and compensation expectation to beijing.job@callison.com(for positions in Beijing), shanghai.job@callison.com(for positions in Shanghai) or guangzhou.job@callison.com (for positions in Guangzhou). Please identify which position you are applying for.Our website: www.callisonchina.com全球化的建筑事务所凯里森在世界各地提供专业化的设计服务,包括城市规划设计、商业综合体设计、商业零售设计、办公楼设计、酒店和度假设施设计、住宅设计、以及医疗保健规划。作为总部设立在美国的全球规模最大的设计公司之一,凯里森拥有超过800名的专业设计人才,办公地点分布在西雅图、纽约、洛杉矶、达拉斯、伦敦、北京、上海、迪拜及墨西哥城。20年来,凯里森参与中国建设,足迹遍布35个城市,参与规划设计项目超过200个,完成和正在进行设计的项目建筑面积超过2000万平方米,地标性作品包括上海港汇广场、悦达889和绿地滨江CBD项目,以及位于杭州和成都的万象城。凯里森(中国)是由凯里森建筑事务所与北京行业翘楚环洋世纪国际建筑顾问有限公司于2010年9月在北京合资建立的。其具备全方位的建筑及商业零售设计服务能力,以满足经济发展速度居全球之首的中国市场的需求。目前,共有300余名名专业设计人员供职于凯里森(中国)北京及上海办公室。我们的愿景是成为求变的领导者——突破传统的设计理念,战略化思考,并不断创新。我们通过睿智的眼光和设计,将每个项目的潜能最大化,为业主创造价值,为社区和用户提供一流的目的地和环境,激励和提升生活品质。曾获排名及奖项:2011 World Architecture (《世界建筑设计》)世界建筑设计事务所排名前202003 – 2008 World Architecture (《世界建筑设计》)商业零售建筑设计排名第一2003 - 2005, 2007 – 2009VM+SD(《视觉商品与商店设计》)商业零售建筑设计排名第一2003 – 2009Display & Design Ideas(《展示与设计理念》)商业零售建筑设计排名第一2011 杭州万象城 PROPERTY AWARDS 亚太区商业建筑荣誉推荐奖杭州万象城,成都24城上海市建筑学会商用建筑创新奖2010 杭州西溪印象城中购联中国购物中心2010年度设计创新奖2008 菲律宾马尼拉Trinoma ICSC Asia (亚洲国际购物中心协会)银奖美国科罗拉多州Southlands Aurora ICSC(国际购物中心协会)特殊贡献奖 – 创新设计开发嘉奖我们欢迎有才华的专业人士加入凯里森北京、上海和广州的团队,我们为各位提供友好且充满活力的工作环境,并为各位创造良好的发展机会。请将您的求职信、简历、工作样本(5MB大小)及薪资要求发至beijing.job@callison.com(应聘北京办公室)、shanghai.job@callison.com(应聘上海办公室)或guangzhou.job@callison.com(应聘广州办公室)。请务必注明您所应聘的职位名称。
  • 此信息来自筑才网 凯里森建筑事务所Architect Intern Student 建筑实习生职位

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  • 性质:建筑设计及规划
  • 规模:100-500人

