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辛克莱工程咨询(中国)有限公司  发布于7年前



  • Your key tasks include:
    Accustom to engineering design practices of Australian Mining Industry through in country and on site training.
     Responsible for recruitment of Civil engineers to the Section
     Employee dialogue discussions (Goal Setting and Career)
     Responsible for guiding other Civil engineers to apply their technical skill to meet the Australian Projects design requirement.
     Manage Engineers within the Civil Section, including assignment to Projects and allocation of workload to meet the requirements of Projects.
     Responsible for the technical direction and standards within the Section.
     Responsible for compliance of design criteria, standard specifications, technical specifications of Australian Projects.
     Accountable for the technical quality of Civil engineering deliverables including calculations, drawings and specifications.
     Responsible for completing design tasks within the Section on time and within budget.
     Responsible for design progress reporting of the Section
     Actively engage engineers in continued learning programmes
     Build experience capability of section
     Mentor as required to other Civil engineers
     Interact with other Lead Civil Engineers in Australia Project Offices
     Interact with other Discipline Leads on design issues
     Undertake technical audits
    Key competencies include :
     Fluent in written and spoken English
     Highest level of technical competence in Civil design, in particular, material handling.
     High working knowledge of relevant software design packages for Civil engineering

     High working knowledge of relevant design codes of practise
     Ability to participate in teams.


  • 公司名称:辛克莱工程咨询(中国)有限公司
  • 公司性质:其他
  • 公司地址:江苏省扬州市文汇西路268号
  • SKM是一所具前導性的工程,科技及信譽卓著的公司. 公司是以為全民達成正面及永垂不朽的衝擊為宗旨. 為了支援這項目標,我們在澳洲,紐西蘭,歐洲,中東,南美洲及亞洲均設有公司. 我們與主要客戶在公共及私人領域有密切合作關係,以提供獨立技術策略與商務諮詢,為我們生活的社區建設各項廣泛領域的工程. 我們的全球人力資源正在穩定成長中. 目前在全世界47間辦公室僱用員工約6500人. 這些僱員包括工程師,規劃師,建築師,經濟專才,科學家,工程專案經理,技術人員及行政人員等各項專業領域的專才. 我們提供的服務涵蓋七大項市場領域: 建築與產業; 國防工業; 電力與工業; 國際發展協商; 運輸基建工業; 礦業與金屬工業; 及水資源與環境工業. 我們持續努力輔佐相關人員發揮全面潛力, 任以富跳戰性及有創意的工程以成就工業及建立國民基礎. 全僱員共同擁有及經營的SKM是一所具有驕人歷史的機構, 我們接受及崇尚共享價值及開放式文化. 我們以高規格的安全及商業倫理的服務及品質作為承諾, 並以前導性方法以建設可靠的將來.
  • 此信息来自筑才网 辛克莱工程咨询(中国)有限公司土木工程师职位

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  • 性质:监理
  • 规模:50人以下

